In the aerospace sector, supercapacitors can also be used in a wide range of applications. For example, when an aircraft opens a cabin door, it needs a particularly strong burst of power, and the supercapacitor will complete this function, which is providing burst power for the aircraft to open the door. 25 years of service life, 140,000 flight hours have been certified by Airbus, tested and delivered in 2004, more than 100k 100F products are designed to become 140F products, 16 doors for emergency activation on each A380, 2 long-term boarding gates, 14 emergency doors. Airbus has proven solutions. On the ground, the door must be opened during normal and emergency operations. When flying, the door must be closed and locked. The chute must be expanded when the emergency is needed, so the product requires a peak load of 60A with a standby time of 8 hours, a total energy of 11,000W (requiring low self-discharge) a predictable charging level, and a continuous monitoring of the state of charge of the door controller.